Microbira take advantage of fieldservice24 for remote commissioning

Microbira is a Canadian based diagnostics company developing reagent free, low-cost diagnostic kits for use in patient care and public health. Microbira had purchased a Spectrometer machine to be installed in an Edinburgh hospital to assist in the diagnosis of COVID-19. Coronavirus hit and their engineers were unable to travel from Canada to install and commission the machine. Enter fieldservice24.

By equipping the local, Edinburgh based, laboratory technician with our augmented reality headset we were able to provide the Microbira engineers with a first-person point-of-view of the machine with full audio, video and web conferencing. The Microbira team were able to successfully install and commission the machine. Check out the video below of fieldservice24 in action.


‘Microbira is a Scottish based diagnostics company, with an engineering team based in Canada, developing reagent free, low-cost diagnostic kits for use in patient care and public health.’
Marianne Ismail CEO Microbira

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