Promedim Coronavirus COVID-19 Statement

Patient safety is our highest priority at Promedim.

Our technology-enabled medical team are ready and prepared to continue to provide 24/7/365 medical oversight of studies.

In order to support the viability of on-going clinical studies, and increase capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic Promedim has taken the following actions:

Safeguarding service delivery and customer support


We are monitoring guidance on travel and working practices to protect the well-being of our staff and maintain customer service delivery. We have business continuity measures in place. Our Control Centre, Customer Support, Operational Teams and, more importantly our Medical Teams, are distributed across the US, Europe and Asia Pacific.  All staff are fully operational with the appropriate business continuity measures in place.

Our infrastructure is distributed and load-balanced across data centres globally. We have multiple tier-1 telecommunications carrier redundancy in each data centre and we are working with our carriers to proactively manage risk and capacity. Our Control Centre operates in a fully redundant, cross geographic manner with access to on-demand increases in capacity if required.

Our technology allows full visibility of medic availability and allows our team to provide round-the-clock support remotely.

Our number 1 priority is to support you in providing the highest quality coverage to ensure patient safety and ease the burden on your own medical teams whether you are using Promedim technology or a combination with our own study physicians every day or just out of usual business hours.

Next steps.

We will provide further updates should the situation change, but at this time we do not anticipate any disruption to client service delivery or support. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Success team at [email protected].

Whatever is thrown at us; we’re ready to support you!